Brandon got his first skateboard when he was seven years old. At bedtime his mom asked, “what do you want me to do with this skateboard”. Brandon insisted on sleeping with it because he said, “if I die I want it to come with me, it was like God came down and handed me the holy grail in the form of a skateboard”.
From that moment getting his first skateboard Brandon said to himself. “I am going to be a professional skateboarder”. That day forward Brandon lived skateboarding, slept it, breathed it, eat it and dreamed it.
His initial inspiration came from that skateboard at seven years old. At 15 years old he became his dream. Brandon did what he had to do to get where he wanted to be. He was the first skateboarder at this age endorsed by Gatorade.
Additional inspiration came when Bucky Lask saw the skills Brandon had. He took him under his wing and Brandon became his side kick. Bucky mentored him. Brandon also says Tony Hawk was a mentor.
Surrounded by the best this must of given Brandon an abundance of inspiration to stick with skateboarding and get better. At a young age he was driven and had goals. The introduction to his first skateboard was the catalyst to inspiring him to take up the skate life.
By Andrea Biggs.
Sources; Wikipedia for known facts, YouTube videos for interviews and quotes, Thrasher, Transworld and independent videos. Dreamseller documentary. My own experiences in skateboarding.